Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Life in Color : Green

Picture of two performers putting on lipstick underwater, Florida

waduh ....... pada bosen ya make up di darat....

Picture of cedar trees, Japan


Picture of empty airplane seats, Sydney, Australia

Green lovers sejati coy....

Photo: Two tree frogs staring nose-to-nose

Sing: tatap matamu bagai busur panah,,,,, hahahaaha

Photo: Green butterflies on a sandy riverbank

indah banggeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttt

Photo: White alligator mirrored by the water surface

sirbee,,,,,, buaya lg incar mangsa....

Photo: Vibrant green grasses blow in the wind

subhanallah.....hembusan angin yang penuh arti,,,,,

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